IPA: rˈæʃnʌɫˈɪstɪk
- Of or relating to rationalism.
Examples of "rationalistic" in Sentences
- I plead guilty to a rational, not "rationalistic," approach to problems.
- It is eminently a product of what I have ventured to call the rationalistic temper.
- Men living estranged from God easily cast aside God's morals and principles, exchanging them for a blind belief in rationalistic expediency.
- It became the basis for political and social doctrine and could be called rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the pro-claimed and practiced autonomy of man from any higher force above him.
- It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him.
- It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of the individual from any higher force above him.
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