IPA: rˈætɝ
- Anything which catches rats, especially a dog trained to catch them; a rat terrier.
- One who rats; a traitor; a deserter.
- A pirate miner, a miner who digs out ore or paydirt clandestinely and runs
- A surname.
Examples of "ratter" in Sentences
- For the present, the German ratter has trounced its Irish doppelganger.
- I had wanted a cat for a long time, having grown up with one, and now we really needed a ratter.
- "ratter" -- superstitious Tudor sailors did not have cats on board as they were thought to bring bad luck.
- On another tour, Cecil and Constance stayed at a boardinghouse run by a woman who kept a python as a ratter.
- In the Central and South American countries this snake is highly valued as a "ratter" and frequents human habitations without fear.
- More prosaically, a ratter out could get a one-way ticket back to his home country plus a big fat check financed through employer fines.
- As for rats, they are far too big for your average cat: best to call in a good ratter like a Parson Jack Russell Terrier which can clear a whole Dutch Barn of rats in two shakes of a cat's tail.
- June 26th, 2009 9: 51 pm ET call your senators tell them too vote no on this bill. this bill is bad for the economy raise the price of goods and ship manafactureing job overseas. i can't beleive how every news station is burying it. it seem they forgot howtoo stand up too make this country great, but ratter kiss polical butt