IPA: rˈætʌɫ
- Object that rattles.
- Any of various plants of the genera Rhinanthus and Pedicularis, whose seeds produce a rattling noise in the wind.
- A baby’s toy designed to make sound when shaken, usually containing loose grains or pellets in a hollow container.
- (music) A musical instrument that makes a rattling sound.
- (zoology) The set of rings at the end of a rattlesnake's tail which produce a rattling sound.
- Rattling sound.
- (onomatopoeia) A rapid succession of percussive sounds, as made by loose objects shaking or vibrating against one another.
- (now rare) Noisy, rapid talk; babble.
- (uncountable, now rare) Trivial chatter; gossip.
- A noisy, senseless talker; a jabberer.
- (obsolete) A scolding; a sharp rebuke.
- A rough noise produced in the throat by air passing through obstructed airways; croup; a death rattle.
- (historical units of measure) Alternative form of rottol: a former Middle Eastern and North African unit of dry weight usually equal to 1–5 lb (0.5–2.5 kg). [(historical units of measure) A former Middle Eastern and North African unit of dry weight, usually between 1–5 pounds (0.5–2.5 kg).]
- (transitive, ergative) To create a rattling sound by shaking or striking.
- (transitive, figurative, informal) To scare, startle, unsettle, or unnerve.
- (intransitive) To make a rattling noise; to make noise by or from shaking.
- (transitive, obsolete) To assail, annoy, or stun with a rattling noise.
- (transitive, obsolete) To scold; to rail at.
- To drive or ride briskly, so as to make a clattering.
- To make a clatter with one's voice; to talk rapidly and idly; often with on or away.
- (UK, slang) To experience withdrawal from drugs.
Examples of "rattle" in Sentences
- The best time to rattle is late Oct thru mid Nov, I've found.
- The rattle is fairly quiet, too, and can only be heard from a few feet away.
- The best time to rattle is the few days before does start becoming receptive to bucks.
- Much like the lead weight hitting glass balls or some Texas rigged worms or rattles in rattle traps, sound gets attention.
- But, Lynnda, check this out ... * rattle rattle CLANK RATTLE rattle CLANK rattle* Don't you think you should do something about that?
- Yet it was a shift in the entire base of fan culture, rather than a simple realisation that rattles were annoying, that removed the rattle from the terraces.
- The normal early morning gun was sending its normal shell at intervals ranging up the long valley -- _rattle, rattle, rattle_, until the echo died away up the slopes, like that of a vanishing railway train, or the long-drawn bark of a dog.