IPA: rˈætɫɪŋ
- rattle (a sound made by loose objects shaking or vibrating against one another)
- (nautical) Alternative form of ratline [(nautical, uncountable) The rope or similar material used to make cross-ropes on a ship.]
- Lively, quick (speech, pace).
- (dated, intensifier) good, fine.
Examples of "rattling" in Sentences
- [Cue: Shrieking and chain rattling, and ominous insane pipe organ music fading in the wind ....]
- Slaton White's article in the October issue of F&S on rattling is the textbook example of how to rattle.
- And in the rut rattling is one of the best ways to bring in the giants, that is if they arent with a doe!
- It is filled with enough fun facts and brain rattling memories that it makes for a solid cover to cover read that will put you in the right holiday frame of mind.
- You know absolutely nothing about North Korea, and I agree with Observer – the only way they are going to quit saber-rattling is if we carpet bomb every government facility in North Korea.
- I wish you would continue to give me any fugitive ideas or remarks which may occur to you in the course of your reading; and what you call your rattling way is that of all others which pleases me the most.