IPA: rˈeɪʌn
- A manufactured regenerated cellulosic fiber.
- (obsolete) A ray or beam.
- A surname from Spanish.
- Alternative spelling of raion [An administrative unit of some Eastern European and Asian states.]
Examples of "rayon" in Sentences
- US: Retailers warned for mislabelling rayon as "bamboo"
- They were typically made of silk or artificial silk (now known as rayon), and after 1939 with nylon.
- Also known to many designers as “art silk,” rayon is a semi-synthetic fabric that is a great alternative to silk.
- No, it was really easier work on the nylon than it was on the rayon, because the rayon was a soft yarn and fussed up.
- The one major drawback of rayon is that it will wrinkle so it is better to use it on a surface that won’t have a lot of people lounging on it.
- The same shallow thinking can be applied to rayon, which is a generic term for nearly any natural cellulose fiber that's processed to make fabrics.
- We ran a post back in 2007 asking the question Is Bamboo Clothing Truly Green?, where we referenced the chemical solvent used to make viscose (also known as rayon) from raw bamboo material.