IPA: rˈeɪzɝbæk
- (US, southeastern US, informal) A feral pig.
- The rorqual or finback whale.
Examples of "razorback" in Sentences
- There are plenty of razorback hogs, Armadillos and skunks.
- "razorback" was regaling two of the workmen with words of experience if not wisdom.
- Threatened fish include humpback chub Gila cypha (E) and razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus (E).
- The scrub and "razorback" hogs are very unprofitable, and require an undue amount of food to produce a pound of gain.
- "Teeny" and "Tiny" are the names of a two-headed razorback musk turtle from California that's about the size of a nickel.
- Instead of owning dogs, some people have crazy pets - like ostriches, razorback boars, and as we see here, Rusty the Rhino.
- Thanks for your wishes for the race - I wore a razorback top not PVC, becuase while I don't sweat, I do need to keep cool so lots of venting is important.
- Bill has already disgraced this nation and now he is showing how forciful he can be engaging in the politics of personal destruction while squealing like a razorback over the 'boys ganging up on Hillary'
- These include the bonytail chub, humpback chub, Sonora chub, Chihuahua chub, beautiful shiner, Pecos bluntnose shiner, razorback sucker, Colorado squawfish, Pyramid Lake cui-ui and Lahontan cutthroat trout.