IPA: riʌdmˈɪʃʌn
- A second or subsequent admission.
Examples of "readmission" in Sentences
- Bids for readmission as the representative of Taiwan.
- Moore applied for and was granted readmission to the University.
- So readmission is not an admission of the legal existance of the CSA.
- Heraclius, head of the rigorist faction, opposed readmission of the lapsed.
- I would kindly invite you to reconsider Sarandioti's readmission inWikipedia.
- New sports teams were created following the readmission of men to the school.
- The club continued to seek readmission, pursuing various different alternatives.
- What I wanted to say is that the most effective weapon that we have in the fight against illegal immigration is the readmission agreements with third countries that share borders with the EU.
- We also intend to submit a proposal for a decision to the Council on the signing of the readmission agreement negotiated with Hong Kong and the draft negotiation mandate for the Commission in relation to an agreement of this type with the Ukraine.
- A meeting of the working group on social affairs and migration was held yesterday in Rabat, and there will be consultations with regard to negotiations for a readmission agreement between the European Union and Morocco during this current six month period.