IPA: rˈidaʊt
- A display, particularly one that presents numerical data.
- The information, usually a measurement, shown on such a display.
- (computing) The information output from a computer in a readable form.
- An account of the topics discussed in a meeting, especially in diplomatic or political contexts.
read out
IPA: rˈɛdaʊt
- (transitive, idiomatic) To read something and say the words to inform other people.
- (transitive, idiomatic, US) (of a device) To read some data and inform the person using the device; (of the user) to read some data from the device to inform oneself.
- (transitive, law) To interpret a part of a law so that it is not struck down but is rendered of no effect or applicability.
IPA: rˈidˈaʊt
- Alternative form of readout [A display, particularly one that presents numerical data.]
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