
IPA: rˈiɫ


  • A commodity; see realty.
  • (grammar) One of the three genders that the common gender can be separated into in the Scandinavian languages.
  • (mathematics) A real number.
  • (obsolete) A realist.
  • Former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies.
  • A coin worth one real.
  • A unit of currency used in Portugal and its colonies from 1430 until 1911, and in Brazil from 1790 until 1942.
  • A unit of currency used in Brazil since 1994. Symbol: R$.
  • Real Madrid, a football club from Madrid.


  • True, genuine, not merely nominal or apparent.
  • Genuine, not artificial, counterfeit, or fake.
  • Genuine, unfeigned, sincere.
  • Actually being, existing, or occurring; not fictitious or imaginary.
  • That has objective, physical existence.
  • (economics) Having been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation; measured in purchasing power (contrast nominal).
  • (economics) Relating to the result of the actions of rational agents; relating to neoclassical economic models as opposed to Keynesian models.
  • (mathematics, of a number) Being either a rational number, or the limit of a convergent infinite sequence of rational numbers: being one of a set of numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line.
  • (law) Relating to immovable tangible property.
  • Absolute, complete, utter.
  • (slang) Signifying meritorious qualities or actions especially as regard the enjoyment of life, prowess at sports, or success wooing potential partners.
  • (informal) Firm.


  • (US, colloquial) Really, very.

Examples of "real" in Sentences

  • You are very much a _man_, my Conway; a real, _real_ man, and I love you!
  • There was not the slightest doubt that all its shirring was of real, _real_ silk!
  • And, as a fact, we do not know that real musicians, _real_ Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha and
  • And success in real life is often much, much more satisfying, because it relies on *real* ability.
  • It really hit me that these are * real* people, not the faux populists dished up by the GOP - real people of intelligence and substance.
  • Thus the realism/idealism controversy can be reconfigured as the controversy over whether the so-called ˜real world™ has the real or purely intentional mode of being.
  • You must realize that you -- the _real_ You -- are not only existent, and real, but that you are in touch with all else that is real, and that the roots of your being are grounded in the Absolute itself.
  • Of course the strategy of the novel is that it makes the northern fantasy land much more real, more detailed and more interesting, than the �real� reality of the American college town where the action takes place.
  • Thus a detailed study of works of literature and their represented objects could serve to explicate the purely intentional mode of being, with a view to contrasting this with the real mode of being and ultimately demonstrating that it is impossible to reduce the ˜real world™ to the status of a purely intentional creation.
  • But the underlying conceptualization is still Keynesian, meaning that consumption and investment functions are real, except for some randomness, and not based directly and explicitly on individual actors' decisions based on *perceived* wealth -- which may be very different from *real* wealth because of a lack of proper asset pricing models stabilizing asset valuations around equilibrium market prices.

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