IPA: rˈibˈɔrn
- A manufactured vinyl doll that has been transformed to resemble a human baby with as much realism as possible.
- Revived or regenerated, especially emotionally or spiritually.
- (often postpositive) Reincarnated.
Examples of "reborn" in Sentences
- It starts to feel like the only way to be reborn is to hit rock bottom.
- I especially like the idea of the light reborn, which is really what Yule is all about, right?
- When you are reborn from the earth, do you celebrate with a party lasting for weeks, or do you go sit alone in an orchard?
- Some are reborn from the ashes of ancient myths, some are rooted in our personal or national histories, while still others, like
- Sara, from Downhill, Northern Ireland, with a facsimile of herself called a reborn - a permanent memento for her parents - is the winning entry in the Press Photographer's Year awards 2011
- You don't really become aware of this until you attend High Church services beside a WW11 generation congregation and as an adult in 'reborn' ernest with fresh eyes to see and ears to hear.
- In an irony noted by many a Brazilian economist, the BNDES was reborn from the ashes to run the privatization drive; instead of developing state companies, it was ordered to dismantle them.
- I mean, I suppose Vlad the Impaler's wife Elisabeth killing herself after she finds out wrongly that Vlad's dead, and Vlad waiting forever and a half for her to be reborn is kind of canon by now, but it's not Bram Stoker!
- But the marriage service, interpreted, means that we will use all our human endeavour, with the help of the Spirit, to remain in what may be called the reborn state, since it is by the Spirit alone that true marriage is sanctified.
- This one would translate as follows: 'Thou shalt no longer be, O my country, a poor stretch of land between the mountains and the sea, with some bare scattered islands; but Serbia reborn, that is now sicklied o'er with Turkish lethargy, shall make one life and one desire with thee and with all these fields that sprung into being under an Italian smile.'