IPA: rikʌpˈɪtʃʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- A subsequent brief recitement or enumeration of the major points in a narrative, article, or book.
- (music) The third major section of a musical movement written in sonata form, representing thematic material that originally appeared in the exposition section.
- (biology) The reenactment of the embryonic development in evolution of the species.
- (theology) The symmetry provided by Christ's life to the teachings of the Old Testament; the summation of human experience in Jesus Christ.
Examples of "recapitulation" in Sentences
- The recapitulation of the main points of the presentation helped clarify the key takeaways for the audience
- The teacher asked the students to provide a recapitulation of the novel's plot in their own words
- The recapitulation of the scientific experiment highlighted the crucial steps that led to the discovery
- In the conclusion of the essay, the author provided a brief recapitulation of the arguments made throughout the paper
- The recapitulation of the financial report revealed the company's success in meeting its targets for the quarter