IPA: rɛsɪprˈɑsɪti
- The characteristic of being reciprocal, e.g. of a relationship between people.
- A reciprocal relationship.
- A relation of mutual dependence or action or influence.
- (grammar) A reciprocal construction involves two noun phrases where each of the participants occupies both the role of agent and patient with respect to the other. see: Wikipedia:Reciprocal pronoun.
- (international law) The mutual exchange of rights, privileges or obligations between nations. see: Wikipedia:Reciprocity (international relations).
- (psychology) The responses of individuals to the actions of others.
Examples of "reciprocity" in Sentences
- Reciprocity is the principle of mutual exchange and benefit in relationships
- We believe in the importance of reciprocity in our business dealings
- There is a sense of reciprocity in our friendship, where we support each other in times of need
- The concept of reciprocity is fundamental in maintaining harmony and balance in society
- I strive to practice reciprocity by giving back to those who have helped me along the way