IPA: rɪkɫˈus
- An individual who lives in self-imposed isolation or seclusion from the world, especially for religious purposes; a hermit
- (obsolete) The place where a recluse dwells; a place of isolation or seclusion.
- (US) A brown recluse spider.
- (obsolete) to shut; to seclude
- (now rare) sequestered; secluded, isolated
- (now rare) hidden, secret
Examples of "recluse" in Sentences
- The old man who lived in the cabin on the outskirts of town was a recluse, rarely seen by anyone
- She preferred the company of books and her thoughts, living as a recluse in her cozy apartment
- The artist was known for being a recluse, locking himself away in his studio for days on end
- The recluse rarely ventured out into the busy city, preferring the solitude of his quiet home
- Despite his reputation as a recluse, he was always willing to lend a helping hand to his neighbors when they needed it