
IPA: rɛkʌnsɪɫiˈeɪʃʌn


  • The re-establishment of friendly relations; conciliation, rapprochement.
  • (accounting) The process of comparing and resolving apparent differences between sets of accounting records, or between accounting records and bank statements, receipts, etc.
  • Religious senses.
  • (Christianity) The end of estrangement between a human and God as a result of atonement.
  • (Christianity) The reconsecration of a desecrated church or other holy site.
  • (Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism) Admission of a person to membership of the church, or readmission after the person has previously left the church.
  • (Australia, Canada) The process of systemically atoning for the crimes and broken promises that a nation has historically committed against indigenous people.
  • (Roman Catholicism) Short for sacrament of reconciliation (“a sacrament (sacred ritual) also called confession, involving contrition by a person, confessing sins to a priest, penance performed by the person, and absolution granted by the priest”). [(Roman Catholicism) The sacrament (sacred ritual) also called confession, involving contrition by a person, confessing sins to a priest, penance performed by the person, and absolution granted by the priest.]

Examples of "reconciliation" in Sentences

  • But if they can get what they call reconciliation, it just needs 51.
  • But he won't use the term reconciliation, likely instead to call for a simple "up or down vote."
  • The fact that some Dems have already signed a letter to do public option via reconciliation is the club that Obama can use.
  • III. iii.47 (431,8) His present reconciliation take] [W: make] To _take his reconciliation_, may be to accept the submission which he makes in order to be reconciled.
  • If one however recognizes that that type of reconciliation is a code word for surrender, then characterizing this organization as a terrorist organization doesn't make any difference.
  • WEBB: This administration hasn't, and even other people on the Democratic side tend to focus purely on the Maliki government and what they call reconciliation among the factions in Iraq.
  • The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation.
  • Epistle to the Corinthians the arrangement of Divine Providence in the reconciliation of sinners: “God,” he says, “hath reconciled us to Himself through Christ, _and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation_ ....
  • And another very important development this week, Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid once again threw out there the possibility that he was going to use some arcane budget rules -- basically what they call reconciliation, so he would only need 51 votes, a simple majority, instead of 60 votes, to pass something.

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