
IPA: rˈɛgjʌɫeɪtɪv


  • Of or relating to regulation; having a regulatory function.

Examples of "regulative" in Sentences

  • Calvin's approach to worship later came to be called the regulative principle.
  • With respect to the regulative principle, where are we commanded to celebrate Easter, either?
  • We are witnessing an explosive expansion of government at all levels that is gaining regulative powers at an unprecedented level.
  • The whole idea of the regulative principle is that we can assume nothing: in worship we do not do anything not explicitly commanded.
  • It is pretty evident that Maoist cadres have been involved into the smuggling cordyceps and other endangered medicinal herbs and regarding this they have also established their own so-called regulative mechanism.
  • In my article, I introduced a reference to driving on the right as an example to show how rules can function causally in behavior; but in the article I also distinguish between "regulative" and "constitutive" rules.
  • According to Rawls, individual justice is theoretically derivative from social justice because the just individual is to be understood as someone with an effective or "regulative" desire to comply with the principles of justice.
  • But we have this consolation, -- that we have creed-articles which we can get by heart, though ignorant of what they mean, and under what these philosophers call a "regulative" religion repeat our paternosters to the end of time.
  • I listened to a preacher yesterday who is still wrestling through it all (note: not the best point at which to preach about it because you will communicate the certainty of the existence of your doubts), but is wrestling because there is no command in Scripture to observe the feast of Christmas and he is a believer in the regulative principle of worship.

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