IPA: riʌfʌkˈeɪʃʌn
- The consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living.
- The consideration of a human being as an impersonal object.
- (programming) A process that makes a computable/addressable object out of a non-computable/addressable one; or a concrete class out of a generic one.
- (linguistics) The transformation of a natural-language statement into a form in which its actions and events are quantifiable variables.
Examples of "reification" in Sentences
- It's a hypothetical construct based on a logical fallacy called "reification".
- Actually, I never said that before, and I had to look up the word reification, but you get the idea.
- Now and again, you political science folks really ought to learn some history, stuff that it outside your comfort zone in reification.
- Home and thus Tony White consider this obsession with harmony - usually understood politically under the term 'reification' - an error of one-sidedness.
- A good friend of mine is a Tom Townsend type-he uses the terms "reification," "dialectic," and "power structures" outside the confines of a philosophy seminar.
- Goodman (2005: 369) warned against what they called the "reification" of the local, arguing for the need to make localism "an open, process-based vision, rather than a fixed set of standards".
- Around the same time I noticed this bar situation I came across the term "reification" in my comparative literature course, and it seemed to resonate with what has gone on in gay culture generally and helps to explain why gay bars in the city are now catering to specific lifestyles rather than to gay people in general.
- I guess the Marxist word for this would be "reification," where movies are seen as metaphysical projections of the collective unconscious instead of internally conflicted products that blend art and commerce, while new masterpieces emerge every few weeks (and are then abandoned) and debate is preempted by a Rotten Tomatoes rating.
- Benjamin and Adorno go on to argue that high capitalist modernity and its unprecedented acceleration of the abstracting processes of commodification (the "reification" not only of objects, products, and people, but of thought and language themselves), along with the concomitant "loss of aura" (the collapse into immediacy of a previously charged, critically enabling, auratic-aesthetic distance) require that Kantian-romantic aesthetic difficultythe difficulty of grasping and negotiating the transition between types of knowledge and realms of experiencebe supplemented.