IPA: rˈɛɫʌtɪv
- Someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
- (figurative) Something kindred or related to something else.
- (linguistics) A type of adjective that inflects like a relative clause, rather than a true adjective, in certain Bantu languages.
- Connected to or depending on something else; comparative.
- (computing, of a URL, URI, path, or similar) Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form.
- (grammar) Depending on an antecedent; comparative.
- (music) Having the same key but differing in being major or minor.
- (archaic or rare) Relevant; pertinent; related.
- Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance; conditional.
Examples of "relative" in Sentences
- Exercise is a term relative to human health and fitness.
- ● The term relative compilation to relative productivity metrics C. Kaewkasi 54
- So I did a search for the term relative the Supreme Court nominees, and found this from last October:
- Such a relative is called a _connecting relative_, and is translated by _and_ and a demonstrative or personal pronoun.]
- T.e philosopher P.T. Geach first broached the subject of relative identity and introduced the phrase ˜relative identity™.
- It is coming more and more to be admitted that age is relative, and that what we know as the relative is the effect of mental operations.
- And, indeed, so long as relative age only is spoken of, correspondence in succession _is_ correspondence in age; it is _relative_ contemporaneity.
- _relative_ rarity of the main varieties of each stamp at least; and it is this relative rarity that we are after in order to approximate the original supplies of the main varieties.
- Nonetheless, if we consider Socrates's relative accidents as well, such non-reductivists will say that Socrates has, in fact, undergone a real ˜relative™ change ” that is, a real change with respect to one of his relations.
- Darwins Theory of Evolution uses the term relative to its scientific use obviously creationism falls mostly under numbers 6 & 7 in the general discussion of the many faceted USES of the term kimbanyc: Creationisâts basic premise is wrong.