
IPA: rˈɛɫʌvʌnt


  • Related, connected, or pertinent to a topic.
  • (Usually and especially) Directly related, connected, or pertinent, with important ramifications or implications.
  • Not out of date; current.

Examples of "relevant" in Sentences

  • Radditz does not say who the many are and the only use of the term relevant to the current situation that I could find was
  • The only way he gets to remain "relevant" is for the "corporatists" he hates to remain in power, and he best acheives that goal by taking votes away from Democrats.
  • Needless to say, Chris is the most commercially successful and contemporarily totally a word relevant of the artists nominated, but when the award has gone to the younguns in the past, it's been more traditionally soulful artists like Alicia Keys, India Arie and D'Angelo rather than an explicit pop crossover artist like Young Breezy.

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