
IPA: rˈɛpjʌtʌbʌɫ


  • Having a good reputation; honourable.

Examples of "reputable" in Sentences

  • We call reputable repairmen who might have been recommended by a friend.
  • They never seemed to have trouble finding excerpts in reputable review sources.
  • All bien-pensants can instantly see how much better it is to bask in reputable ignorance.
  • Assuming good handling in reputable stores, the best way to taste wines that the consumer is going to buy is to buy them yourself.
  • Even in reputable publications, however, usage is decidedly mixed, and discrepancies can result in editorial mix-ups, as Merriam-Webster has shown.
  • Everyone can instantly see how much better the world was back when it basked in reputable ignorance on the question of what drives the red-blue divide.
  • Unfortunately the highly organized naysayers who cannot ever seem to get published in reputable scientific journals do manage to get much of the mention in the press.
  • Each believes in his party, thinks his crowd is better than the other fellow's, so all you have to do is to nominate an honest man to represent each party, and then that divides what they call the reputable vote, and we real politicians get our man in between the two.

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