IPA: rˈeɪz
- (Canada, US, informal) Clipping of reservation or reserve.
- (Canada, South Africa) Clipping of residence. [The place where one lives (resides); one's home.]
- (computing) Clipping of resolution (of a computer display or image). [A firm decision or an official decision.]
- Clipping of reservoir (from computer water cooling). [A place where anything is kept in store.]
- (roleplaying games) Clipping of resurrection. [The act of arising from the dead and becoming alive again.]
- Initialism of red ear syndrome. [A rare disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by redness of one or both external ears, accompanied by a burning sensation.]
- (roleplaying games) Clipping of resurrect. [(transitive) To raise from the dead, to bring life back to.]
Examples of "res" in Sentences
- Caldo de res is a simple soup, and simply delicious.
- Coul é e, like all Savenni è res, is made from 100% Chenin Blanc.
- Boadle, an English case of 1863,25 launched the phrase res ipsa loquitur—the thing speaks for itself.
- Some connoisseurs think Savenni è res is the ultimate expression of Chenin Blanc (granted, it's a narrow field of competition).
- We in turn had our arrangement with our label res - tructured so future payments from old albums wouldn't be channeled through him.
- According to Descartes, man is a composite of two distinct substances—one an intellect, which he called res cogitans or, in English, a thinking substance; the other a body, which he called res extensa or, in English, a three-dimensionally extended substance.