IPA: risˈɝtʃ
- (uncountable, countable in some dialects) Diligent inquiry or examination to seek or revise facts, principles, theories, applications, etc. (that are currently available, or that are familiar to one's self).
- (countable, dated) A particular instance or piece of research.
- (transitive) To search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently.
- (intransitive) To make an extensive investigation into.
- (transitive) To search again.
Examples of "research" in Sentences
- I spent hours conducting research on the effects of climate change on polar bear populations
- Our team of scientists is currently working on groundbreaking cancer research
- The university's research department is known for its innovative studies on renewable energy
- I rely on research to support my arguments in academic papers
- The company invested millions in market research to better understand consumer behavior