IPA: rɛzʌɫˈuʃʌn
- A firm decision or an official decision.
- A strong will, determination.
- The state of being resolute.
- A statement of intent, a vow
- The act of discerning detail.
- (computing, photography) The degree of fineness with which an image can be recorded or produced, often expressed as the number of pixels per unit of length (typically an inch).
- (computing) The number of pixels in an image being stored or displayed.
- (computing) The process of determining the meaning of a symbol or address; lookup.
- (mathematics) The act or process of solving; solution.
- A formal statement adopted by an assembly, or during any other formal meeting.
- (sciences) The separation of the constituent parts (of a spectrum etc).
- (sciences) The degree of fineness of such a separation.
- (music) Progression from dissonance to consonance; a chord to which such progression is made.
- (literature) The moment in which the conflict ends and the outcome of the action is clear.
- (medicine) In a pathological process, the phase during which pathogens and damaged tissues are removed by macrophages.
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