
IPA: rˈɛspɝʌtɔri


  • (relational) Relating to respiration or the organs of respiration; breathing.

Examples of "respiratory" in Sentences

  • Their tiny chest cages cause constriction, resulting in respiratory distress.
  • A physician who specializes in respiratory (lung) conditions, including asthma.
  • And that tells us that he had what we call a respiratory arrest first, not a heart attack or his heart stopping first.
  • The pulmonary function technologist (PF tech) is certified or registered after successful completion of examinations in respiratory therapy and pulmonary function technology.
  • And if you can't get vaccinated, then what you need to do is practice what we call respiratory hygiene or respiratory etiquette -- washing your hands, don't touch your face, nose or eyes.
  • The wastes and fumes emanating from these intensive operations are so concentrated that nearby human communities commonly have substantial increases in respiratory illnesses such as asthma.
  • One piece of good news is that the air quality is improving now that the hole is plugged, and we're hoping that there will be no long-term respiratory effects, but it's too soon to know that for sure.
  • Quarantine is something that you can use for certain infectious agents, even those transported by what we call the respiratory route or the breathing route, like smallpox or even SARS, that are much less infectious.
  • He likened the response to previous toxic waste disasters and the World Trade Center cleanup, which left workers with long-term respiratory problems despite repeated official claims that workers did not need respirators because the working conditions were safe.

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