IPA: rɪstˈɔr
- (computing) The act of recovering data or a system from a backup.
- (transitive) To reestablish, or bring back into existence.
- (transitive) To bring back to good condition from a state of decay or ruin.
- (transitive) To give or bring back (that which has been lost or taken); to bring back to the owner; to replace.
- (transitive) To give in place of, or as restitution for.
- (transitive, computing) To recover (data, etc.) from a backup.
- (transitive, music) To bring (a note) back to its original signification.
- (obsolete) To make good; to make amends for.
Examples of "restore" in Sentences
- _restore_ me -- brain, heart, soul, spirit, body, every fibre of my nature -- to restore me perfectly, to conform me wholly to the image of His Son.
- Peace is the most powerful foe America has ever faced, but I am confident that our relentless pursuit of failure will once again restore our faith and ensure our prosperity.
- While "re-elect" is fair use because he was the former MP for the area in previous sessions I think, in future cases, a sticker with the word "restore" would be better and less confusing - certainly to new voters in the riding.