IPA: rizˈʌɫtʌnt
- anything that results from something else; an outcome
- (mathematics) a vector that is the vector sum of multiple vectors
- following as a result or consequence of something; resulting.
Examples of "resultant" in Sentences
- As far as anyone can demonstrate, the brain changes were simply resultant from a causal chain of physical events.
- The injuries were simply resultant from the use of his great strength, always so far superior to that of the men opposed to him.
- Superdelegates must realize based on the exit polls that the majority of his votes are resultant is based on race, not his stand on policies.
- * Twitter is the Mark of the Beast described in the Book of Revelation and The Sci Fi Catholic cannot be held personally responsible for any inconvenient or unexpected damnation resultant from the use thereof.
- It was found chemically that cane sugar absorbs the elements of water and changes into a mixture of two different sugars, one being weakly dextrorotatory and the other strongly laevorotatory, hence the resultant is a rotation to the left.
- It countermands any specious defences of appropriation when applied to marginal culture that pivot on the double standard, allowing us to point to the precise effects of misrepresentation and discrimination that are resultant from the appropriation, and allows us to challenge the appropriation on a level of legtimacy that is not hamstrung by an implicit privileging.