IPA: ritˈaɪɝmʌnt
- An act of retiring; withdrawal.
- (uncountable) The state of being retired; seclusion.
- (now rare) A place of seclusion or privacy; a retreat.
- The state of having permanently left one's employment, now especially at reaching pensionable age; the portion of one's life after retiring from one's career.
- The act of leaving one's career or employment permanently.
Examples of "retirement" in Sentences
- After years of hard work, Sarah finally decided to enjoy her retirement by traveling the world
- Tom is counting down the days until his retirement, eager to spend more time with his family
- Retirement planning is crucial in order to have financial security later in life
- The retirement party for our boss was a bittersweet celebration of his many years of service
- Many people choose to downsize their homes during retirement to cut down on expenses