IPA: rivɝbɝˈeɪʃʌn
- A violent oscillation or vibration.
- An echo, or a series of overlapping echoes.
- The reflection of light or heat; a reflection in, or as though in, a mirror.
- (chiefly in the plural) An evolving series of effects resulting from a particular event; a repercussion.
Examples of "reverberation" in Sentences
- The loud music created a powerful reverberation throughout the concert hall
- After slamming the door, there was a noticeable reverberation that echoed through the empty room
- The sound of thunder caused a deep reverberation that could be felt in the ground
- The reverberation of his words lingered in the air, leaving a lasting impact on those who heard them
- The reverberation of the church bells could be heard throughout the entire village