IPA: rˈɛvɝi
- A state of dreaming while awake; a loose or irregular train of thought; musing or meditation; daydream.
- An extravagant conceit of the imagination; a vision.
- (archaic) A caper, a frolic; merriment.
Examples of "reverie" in Sentences
- Lost in reverie, she wandered through the lush green meadow, her mind drifting aimlessly
- The quiet stillness of the forest enveloped him as he slipped into a peaceful reverie
- His reverie was abruptly shattered by the sound of a car horn blaring in the distance
- As she sat by the window, staring out at the sunset, she was consumed by a wistful reverie
- In the hazy morning light, he found himself caught in a reverie of memories from his childhood