IPA: rˈɪbʌn
- A long, narrow strip of material used for decoration of clothing or the hair or gift wrapping.
- An awareness ribbon.
- An inked strip of material against which type is pressed to print letters in a typewriter or printer.
- A narrow strip or shred.
- (cooking) In ice cream and similar confections, an ingredient (often chocolate, butterscotch, caramel, or fudge) added in a long narrow strip.
- (nautical) A painted moulding on the side of a ship.
- A watchspring.
- A bandsaw.
- (slang, dated, in the plural) Reins for a horse.
- (heraldry) A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth as wide.
- (spinning) A sliver.
- (journalism) A subheadline presented above its parent headline.
- (computing, graphical user interface) A toolbar that incorporates tabs and menus.
- (shipbuilding) Alternative form of ribband [(shipbuilding) A long, narrow strip of timber bent and bolted longitudinally to the ribs of a vessel, to hold them in position and give rigidity to the framework.]
- (transitive) To decorate with ribbon.
- (transitive) To stripe or streak.
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