IPA: rˈɪbʌsoʊm
- (biology, cytology) A small organelle found in all cells; involved in the production of proteins by translating messenger RNA.
Examples of "ribosome" in Sentences
- In all, a ribosome is built from hundreds of thousands of atoms.
- [AY] The ribosome is so important that it is a target for many antibiotics.
- This provides the most direct evidence yet that the ribosome is indeed a ribozyme, an RNA catalyst.
- As the target of 50% of known antibiotics, the bacterial ribosome is a structure of major therapeutic importance.
- The ribosome is an unusual catalyst, composed of three RNA molecules (four in some species) as well as dozens of proteins.
- The ribosome is a machine that gets instructions from the genetic code and operates chemically in order to produce the product.
- The active site consists of RNA (white strands), not protein (orange), supporting the conclusion that the ribosome is a ribozyme.
- PacBio's machine has also allowed Stanford researchers to watch the structure in cells, called a ribosome, which makes proteins from DNA code.
- Other structures showed how the ribosome is inhibited by antibiotics, how it promotes the interaction of mRNA with transfer RNAs, and how the whole assembly is organized
- Harvard scientists have created a biological machine in the lab that manufactures proteins, mimicking the activity of a cellular structure, called a ribosome, that is critical for life.