
IPA: roʊbˈʌst


  • Evincing strength and health; strong; (often, especially) both large and healthy.
  • Violent; rough; rude.
  • Requiring strength or vigor.
  • Sensible (of intellect etc.); straightforward, not given to or confused by uncertainty or subtlety.
  • (systems engineering) Designed or evolved in such a way as to be resistant to total failure despite partial damage.
  • (software engineering) Resistant or impervious to failure regardless of user input or unexpected conditions.
  • (statistics) Not greatly influenced by errors in assumptions about the distribution of sample errors.
  • (chiefly zoology, anthropology, paleontology) Of an individual or skeletal element: strongly built; muscular; not gracile.

Examples of "robust" in Sentences

  • But certainly, we're prepared to use what we call robust actions.
  • They expect to have what they call a robust force that's prepared for anything -- Anderson.
  • When I hear the phrase "going forward" or the word "robust" from a management type, I start to fear I may be in the presence of a David Brent.
  • Chris Christie and the mayors of Trenton and Newark last month in what she called a "robust discussion to be creative in an era of shrinking resources."
  • She said she remains satisfied with what she termed their "robust" commitment to democracy and broad engagement with Libyans from across the political spectrum.
  • SCHIAVONE: Lou, President Bush acknowledged Law Day with a proclamation, affirming the nation's commitment to what he called a robust system of ordered liberty -- Lou.
  • HENRY: Now, the secretary said that there would need to be what she called a robust international peacekeeping force at some point on the ground in Lebanon, but she also said she does not anticipate that there while be U.S. boots on the ground needed in that peacekeeping effort.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_

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