
IPA: sˈɑrɪnʌn


  • united states architect (born in finland) (1910-1961)
  • finnish architect and city planner who moved to the united states in 1923; father of eero saarinen (1873-1950)

Examples of "saarinen" in Sentences

  • I recently bought several of these vintage saarinen tulip knockoff chairs & table.
  • Have been waiting for this house tour for a while .. great stuff!! absolutely love the new saarinen table! you deserve the win ..
  • Africa and olein, took allelic spring pollachius when one of its nonstarter bataan hibiscus was saarinen up by an swagger steatocystoma.
  • I adore his style and all the furniture is AWESOME except not totaly feeling that bench with the saarinen table and the lighting is ALSO AWESOME!
  • I never have time to chat, but maybe after work sometime we can wax nostalgic about saarinen and kahn and talk about the houses we someday want to build for ourselves.
  • # posted by midcenturyjo : February 15, 2007 3:17 AM i just looked at all of these again really closely and i love them even more. all the tiny details are so clever--especially the baby cherners on the saarinen.
  • The room isn't huge, so I chose a solid upholstery color to match the dark wood floors - which opens up the visual space for additional furniture that isn't so "massive" (like the bertoia diamond chair and saarinen tulip side table that I've been coveting!).

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