IPA: sˈækjuɫeɪtɪd
- Furnished with or formed of a sac or sacs.
Examples of "sacculated" in Sentences
- -- The bladder, 6, appears symmetrically sacculated.
- The walls of the bladder are thickened and sacculated.
- -- The urethra being strictured, the bladder has become sacculated.
- The walls of the bladder have hence become fasciculated and sacculated.
- To digest this diet, they have developed highly complex sacculated stomachs with specialized bacteria.
- -- The serous spermatic canal closes imperfectly, so as to become sacculated, and thus a hydrocele of the cord is formed.
- Like other colobines, they have developed highly complex sacculated stomachs with specialized bacteria to digest this diet.
- The tunica vaginalis, like the serous spermatic tube, may, in consequence of inflammatory fibrinous effusion, become sacculated-multilocular, in which case, if a hydrocele form, the position of the testis will vary accordingly.
- The walls of the bladder are thickened, fasciculated, and sacculated; the two former appearances being caused by a hypertrophy of the vesical fibres, while the latter is in general owing to a protrusion of the mucous membrane between the fasciculi.
- As examples of the former may be mentioned that in which the organ is deficient in front, and has become everted and protruded like a fungous mass through an opening at the median line of the hypogastrium; that in which the rectum terminates in the bladder posteriorly; and that in which the foetal urachus remains pervious as a uniform canal, or assumes a sacculated shape between the summit of the bladder and the umbilicus.
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