
IPA: sˈækjuɫ


  • (biology, anatomy) A small sac, pouch, or cyst.
  • (anatomy) The smaller of the two fluid-filled sacs forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear (the other being the utricle). It contains a region of hair cells and otoliths which send signals to the brain concerning the orientation of the head.

Examples of "saccule" in Sentences

  • (The structure is similar to the saccule and its outgrowths.)
  • The saccule is a bed of sensory cells situated in the inner ear.
  • In the second type, the conical cecum has become quadrate by the growing out of a saccule on either side of the anterior longitudinal band.
  • Lying above and forward are the utricle and the structures developed from it, and lying below and behind are the saccule and the structures developed from it.
  • —The saccule is the smaller of the two vestibular sacs; it is globular in form, and lies in the recessus sphæricus near the opening of the scala vestibuli of the cochlea.
  • In consequence of this an apparently new apex has been formed by the growing downward of the right saccule, and the original apex, with the appendix attached, is pushed over to the left toward the ileocolic junction.
  • The tube that in land vertebrates developed from the saccule is the cochlea (kok'lee-uh; "snail-shell" L), which is a spiral structure that does indeed have a close resemblance to a snail shell, except that its width does not narrow as it approaches its central apex, but remains constant (see illustration, p. 253).

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