IPA: sˈækɫaɪk
- Resembling or characteristic of a sac.
Examples of "saclike" in Sentences
- Formed with or having saclike expansions. scirrhus
- A stretchable saclike structure in the body that holds fluids.
- A small saclike organ located at the upper end of the large intestine.
- A saclike structure that stores urine until it can be passed out of the body through the urethra.
- (SIST) An abnormal saclike structure that develops in the body and is filled with fluid or semisolid material.
- The repulsive, malformed heads were all pop eyes and gaping mouths, the latter limned with greasy, saclike lips.
- This tiny pear-shaped, saclike organ receives bile, a yellowish green fluid that the liver produces to help digest and absorb fats.
- My medical dictionary describes the stomach as a distensible saclike organ connecting the esophagus and the duodenum (throat and small intestine).
- The eggs hatch into a ciliated miracidium which actively seeks out the first host, a gastropod, penetrating its skin and metamorphosing into a saclike sporocyst.
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