
IPA: sˈæfɫaʊɝ


  • A cultivated thistle-like plant, Carthamus tinctorius, family Asteraceae, now grown mainly for its oil.

Examples of "safflower" in Sentences

  • Their garments stained by safflower, which is yellow merde;
  • Yields of biodiesel from oilseed crops such as safflower could be increased by up to 24 percent using a new process developed by chemists at UC Davis.
  • Washington, Feb 20: Chemists at UC (University of California) Davis have developed a new process that enable oilseed crops such as safflower to be made into a fuel cocktail that could increase yields of biodiesel by up to 24 percent.
  • (Jack Kelly Clark/UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resource) (PhysOrg. com) -- Yields of biodiesel from oilseed crops such as safflower could be increased by up to 24 percent using a new process developed by chemists at UC Davis.
  • She put divers herbs in it, herbs yielding coloured juices such as safflower and alkanet, and soapwort and fleawort to give consistency or 'body' to the lye; she put in alum and blue vitriol (or sulphate of copper), and she put in blood.
  • 'Fuel cocktail' to increase biodiesel yields by up to 24 percent WASHINGTON - Chemists at UC (University of California) Davis have developed a new process that enable oilseed crops such as safflower to be made into a fuel cocktail that could increase yields of biodiesel by up to 24 percent.
  • Potentially harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs for short, heterocyclic amines, and higher and mutagenic aldehydes, along with fine and ultrafine particles, have all been found in cooking fumes, using vegetable oils, such as safflower, soya bean, and rapeseed oils, as well as lard.

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