
IPA: sˈægˈeɪʃʌsnʌs


  • The state of being sagacious; an acuteness of perception or discernment.

Examples of "sagaciousness" in Sentences

  • They are, every one, men of great wisdom and ponderous sagaciousness.
  • But it is always a delicate matter to fathom the depth of a medical man's sagaciousness.
  • They have none of the sagaciousness of the low-born Italian, none of the wit and penetration of the French _ouvriere_.
  • He perceived in his deep sagaciousness woman at the bottom of her remark, and replied: 'You will know Clotilde in time.
  • In his room I told him about this farmer, word for word; and I sat picking at the table cover like one bereft of sagaciousness.
  • The one thing that really -- the case in point in this is how she gushed personally when the Democrats were praising the sagaciousness and independence of Iowa voters.
  • The mammoth was a monster beast, with perhaps somewhat less of sagaciousness than the modern elephant, but with a temper which was demoniacal when aroused, and with a strength which nothing could resist.
  • He was sittin 'behind the counter upon the lang three-leggit stool that stood fornent Mr. Weft's desk, and was turning ower the leaves of his ledger, wi' a look which, for auld-fashioned sagaciousness, was wonderfu 'to behold.

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