IPA: sˈægɪŋ
- The act of something that sags.
- A manner of wearing pants or shorts below the waist, revealing some or all of the underwear.
- (of a person or clothes) Worn low on the waist, or wearing pants or shorts low on the waist.
- Hanging down loosely.
Examples of "sagging" in Sentences
- Avocados ripen at odd times and the tree in Fred's front yard was wet and sagging from a load of fruit.
- Here they are, still looking great, young and fantastic, and there you are with your skin sagging everywhere.
- You can go to Macy’s n I think or guess that originals might cost like between 30-35 dollars maybe. whts up with the word sagging again n again? lol .haha.jk.
- Presi-Dense Busch, with muscles sagging from the mighty and great effort put forth to save New Orleans from the aftermath of the Hurricane and 18 holes of Golf, demanded.
- That's quite a shocking statistic when you consider that 80% of doctors surveyed, agreed that a specialist sports bra reduces stress on the ligaments and therefore helps delay the long-term sagging of breasts - something we'd all like to avoid, let's face it.
- Partially, so we could talk about pacing — as the expressive industry term sagging in the middle may already have led you to suspect, narratives are more likely to slow there than at either the beginning or the end — but also, as is my wont, to answer a reader’s question.
- And a gray-haired retiree, his skin sagging but his face oddly bright, probably in Shibuya to avail himself of one of the area's well-known sexual services, which he would pay for out of a pension account that he kept hidden from his wife, not realizing that she knew what he was up to and simply didn't care. next »