
IPA: sˈædʒʌtʌ


  • The keystone of an arch.
  • (geometry) The distance from a point in a curve to the chord; also, the versed sine of an arc; so called from its resemblance to an arrow resting on the bow and string.
  • (zootomy) The larger of the two otoliths, or earbones, found in most fishes.
  • Any arrowworm, of the genus Sagitta.
  • (astronomy) A small autumn constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble an arrow. It lies between the constellations of Vulpecula and Aquila.

Examples of "sagitta" in Sentences

  • Synonyms: _T. sagitta_ Ehr. '40, Stein' 59; _T. tenuicollis_
  • _Non timebis a timore noctuno: a sagitta volante in àie: a negotio perambulante in tenebris: ab incursu et demonio meridiano.
  • If this is true, I should say that Setter might represent the Old Fr, saieteur, arrow-maker, from saiete, an arrow, Lat. sagitta.
  • Rodents characteristic of the Basin include Meriones unguiculatus, Dipus sagitta, Citellus erithrogenus, and Phodopus roborovskii.
  • Itaque si quis tentorio propinquabat vltra terminos, qui positi erant, si capiebatur, verberabatur, si fugiebat, sagitta siue ferro sagittabatur.
  • To this end he wrote a lengthy letter entitled "Ignea sagitta" (unedited) in which he condemned in greatly exaggerated terms what he called the dangerous occupations of preaching and hearing confessions.
  • Patroclus; he was even tempted to believe with Sextus that the name iatros, medicus, was derived from ios, which in the older times signified "sagitta," and that the earliest function of our professional ancestors was the extraction of arrows and darts.
  • One species – the Rough-legged jerboa Dipus sagitta – exhibits particularly interesting predator-avoidance behaviour: it not only leaps from predators, but, as it leaps, grabs at over-hanging foliage with its teeth and forelimbs, and then clambers into the vegetation to hide (Hanney 1975).
  • The sand dune deserts of Tsugar els and Altan els have Tolai hare Lepus tolai, daurian partridge Perdix dauuricae, houbara and great bustards Chlamydotis undulata and Otis tarda (VU); and the specialized species five-toed dwarf jerboa Cardiocranius paradoxus (VU) and northern three-toed jerboa Dipos sagitta.

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