IPA: sʌgwˈɔroʊ
- Carnegiea gigantea, a large cactus native to the Sonoran Desert and characterized by its "arms".
Examples of "saguaro" in Sentences
- The saguaro is a signature plant of the Sonoran Desert.
- … if you didn't know, and i didn't, a saguaro is a type of cactus …
- The North American Gila Woodpecker excavates a living space within saguaro cacti.
- Paloverde-cactus shrub vegetation includes various types of cacti, such as saguaro, cholla and agave.
- Scattered among the huge club-shaped columns of the saguaro is the cholla, the next largest of the cactuses.
- But I went alone, reassured in the north by the desert, the barrenness interrupted by the stolid saguaro, the gnarled creosote.
- "The saguaro is a monstrosity in fact as well as in appearance, -- a product of miscegenation between plant and animal, probably depending for its form of life history, if not for its very existence, on its commensals." [
- Matthew Rounis, a fifth-grader who also served on the commission, said the combo design "represents the entire state, not just one section, and it also serves as a map of Arizona, since in the northern part you have the Grand Canyon and in the southern part you have the saguaro which is indigenous to those areas."