
IPA: sʌhˈɪb


  • (historical) A term of respect for a white European or other man of rank in colonial India.
  • Alternative letter-case form of sahib [(historical) A term of respect for a white European or other man of rank in colonial India.]

Examples of "sahib" in Sentences

  • No "sahib", or downcast eyes, or humble tone, you notice.
  • Hillary, known to the Sherpa people as Burra-sahib, meaning ` ` big in stature, big in heart, '' returned to Nepal many times to climb.
  • All round the edge of the forest a continuous ring of wooden huts and white tents showed that the "sahib" on holiday intent had marked Gulmarg for his own.
  • Though an ardent supporter of empire, Kipling was in many ways an untypical "sahib," an individualist bent on exploring the forbidden, seamier side of the Punjab region for his fiction.
  • Desmond asked himself the question without much interest, and was again allowing his thoughts to rove when he caught the word "sahib," and then the word "Firangi" somewhat loudly spoken.
  • There were some, as it happened, who ventured to cross swords with him, but the result taught them that this stern-faced, black-bearded giant of a sahib was their master every whit as much as was Edwardes.
  • It’s March 2005, and I’m just the 75th sap — or “foreigner,” in Mizo (from the colonial Hindi term sahib) — so far this year, and one of the few sap journalists to have shown an interest in the bamboo flowering, or in anything at all in Mizoram.
  • And it appeared afterwards that during the night the Biluchis had recounted many fabulous incidents, all tending to show that the sahib was a very important as well as a very ingenious Firangi, so that this reputation, coupled with an offer of good pay, overcame any scruples the men might retain.
  • I perceived within myself, saying, "He is disturbed, and listens to my advice with impatience;" and, having called the sahib diwan, or lord high treasurer, in virtue of a former intimacy that subsisted between us, I stated his case and spoke so fully upon his skill and merits, that he put him in nomination for a trifling office.

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