IPA: sˈeɪɫboʊt
- A boat propelled by a sail.
- (slang, card games) A playing card with the rank of four.
Examples of "sailboat" in Sentences
- I understand the sailboat is the illusion of some kind of love, of regret, an extension of good will.
- Fine, so it's supposed to be green (but I bet a sailboat is a lot greener), but 12 guests and 20 crew?
- Sure, there were 20 other prople who all have 'fast boats' (if you call a sailboat fast) and were more than willing to help us.
- The reality, my guess, is the sailboat was a gift of guilt, shame and not for my friend at all, rather her tormentor's conscience.
- : i'm considering moving to mexico, to work and then retire. my interests are the gulf coast (i think), in-so-much as living aboard a sailboat is my interest.
- A sailboat is a power-driven vessel, as defined in the navigation rules, when the motor is in operation, and must observe regulations applicable to this type of vessel.
- Can't Post | i'm considering moving to mexico, to work and then retire. my interests are the gulf coast (i think), in-so-much as living aboard a sailboat is my interest. if it isn't to ambiguous, where might i consider?,