IPA: sˈeɪɫɝ
- A person in the business of navigating ships or other vessels
- Someone knowledgeable in the practical management of ships.
- A member of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman.
- A person who sails sailing boats as a sport or recreation.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Neptis, Pseudoneptis and Phaedyma, having white markings on a dark base and commonly flying by gliding.
- A surname.
Examples of "sailor" in Sentences
- They knew that drink -- and drink with a sailor is always excessive -- made them mad, but only mildly mad.
- He added, This sailor is a veritable storehouse of information of all kinds, as he reads and retains everything that comes through.
- _________ I think what is being said is that other countries refer to their sailors in some form of the word "marine" as they do not have a distinct separate branch that differentiates a sailor from a marine as in the US military.
- And by "sailor" is meant, not the average efficient and hopeless creature who is found to-day in the forecastle of deepwater ships, but the man who will take a fabric compounded of wood and iron and rope and canvas and compel it to obey his will on the surface of the sea.
- And by "sailor" is meant, not the average inefficient and hopeless creature who is found to-day in the forecastles of deepwater ships, but the man who will take a fabric compounded of wood and iron and rope and canvas and compel it to obey his will on the surface of the sea.