IPA: sˈeɪmˈɪri
- squirrel monkey
- Any member of Saimiri, a taxonomic genus of South American arboreal monkeys comprising the squirrel monkeys.
Examples of "saimiri" in Sentences
- The sight of the smallest saimiri puts it to flight.
- It was a beautiful little creature -- a true saimiri, or squirrel monkey, called the "titi."
- It came from the toldo; and, at the same instant, the saimiri was seen leaping out from the door.
- The only living creature that accompanied them from their valley-home was the pretty saimiri, carried on the shoulder of the little Leona.
- It was not long after that a pleasanter pet than either of them was found, and this was a beautiful little saimiri monkey, about the size of
- The Yale team found that Herpesvirus saimiri, a virus that infects monkeys and can cause cancers, seems to have copied other non-coding bits of RNA from the host cell.
- The saimiri, or titi of the Orinoco, the atele, the sajou, and other quadrumanous animals long known in Europe, form a striking contrast, both in their gait and habits, with the macavahu, called by the missionaries viudita, or widow in mourning.