IPA: sˈeɪnthʊd
- the state of being a saint
- saints collectively
Examples of "sainthood" in Sentences
- "sainthood" -- and all who approached him were made participators in his
- The next step to sainthood is to have a miracle attributed to the person's intercession with God after death.
- He then quitted the Congress membership, finding that sainthood is tarnished by too close contact with politicians.
- If you touch the idea of sainthood, especially in this country, people feel you've taken something from them personally.
- He added, "the elevation of Jade Goody to sainthood is an important step in bringing the Church in line with modern life".
- No doubt alcohol, tobacco, and so forth, are things that a saint must avoid, but sainthood is also a thing that human beings must avoid.
- While that public sentiment appears to be firmly in place, any official elevation to sainthood is still years of church bureaucracy away.
- It's all dubious Catholicism (at best), since sainthood is traditionally a slow and careful process that typically doesn't even begin for five years after someone dies and usually takes AT LEAST decades if not centuries before winding up.
- To the very contrary, we remember the story of the Good Samaritan; a man lay wounded by robbers while two sanctimonious fellows passed by, carefully keeping their skirts clear of the blood, and our ideal of sainthood, is in the man who came and helped him who had been robbed and wounded.