
IPA: sˈeɪntɫinʌs


  • The property of being saintly.

Examples of "saintliness" in Sentences

  • How can I possibly live up to that kind of saintliness?
  • Bowe realised that he could never reach such "saintliness", but their story, he said, taught him many lessons.
  • Debates over female ordination tempt one to mention women's allegedly inherent nurturing qualities and the saintliness often ascribed to femininity, but I don't believe in any of that.
  • Moreover, the fuller appreciation of the idea of saintliness, and the higher esteem of the mystical elements in Judaism -- ideas scarcely to be divorced from asceticism -- have helped to confirm the newer attitude.
  • The author, who devotes the last part of his book to the philosophy and the writings of Sri Aurobindo, is more than discreet about the part played by the Mother and presents a picture of Ashram austerity and saintliness which is at variance with this reviewer's memory of the facts.
  • He does not consider that if certain emotional states, certain developments of character, and what in the highest sense can be called "saintliness" are inherently and by inspection known to be good, then the satisfactory explanation of the world must be an explanation which will admit the "reality" of these values.

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