IPA: sʌɫˈɑt
- the second pillar of islam is prayer; a prescribed liturgy performed five times a day (preferably in a mosque) and oriented toward mecca
Examples of "salaat" in Sentences
- Muslims perform their ritual daily prayers, or salaat, five times a day.
- Soroti Rock may also have got it's name from salaat, which is Arabic for rock, "he said.
- The morning of September 11, they prayed salaat-l-fajr (the pre-dawn prayer) together, and he went off to work.
- Contrary to popular belief, the formalities of their five daily salaat prayers were not first established by Prophet Muhammad.
- During their salaat (formal ritual prayers) and their du'as (spontaneous supplications) Muslims engage in a genuine communication with the Lord.
- Islam encourages an action called "salaat," (charity to the organization or individuals of one's choosing) and Muslims practice "zakat," one of five core tenets of the faith in which a yearly percentage (usually 2.5 percent) "tax" of all monetary assets is given to charity.