IPA: sˈeɪɫʌɫ
- A leathery-leaved North American shrub, Gaultheria shallon, with edible sepals and leaves.
Examples of "salal" in Sentences
- Much of the local criticism of the Border Patrol has come from arrests of migrant workers picking salal.
- The penalty for picking salal or other forest-based products outside of designated areas can start at $275.
- Dyer said that they don't specifically target salal workers but when the Forest Service calls for aid, agents respond.
- Forest Service spokeswoman Donna Nemeth said the officer suspected Salinas and the woman were harvesting salal illegally.
- Later, when she and Hanson were planting native plants such as salal and salmonberry along the trail, she saw adult salamanders.
- According to the sheriff's office, Forest Service and Border Patrol, Salinas and a woman were returning from a day harvesting salal.
- Immigrants — both legal and illegal — also make up another economic driver: Collecting leafs from the leathery-leaved shrub salal, used in the floral green ornament industry.