IPA: sʌɫˈɑmi
- A large cured meat sausage of Italian origin, served in slices.
- (baseball) A grand slam.
- (slang) The penis.
Examples of "salami" in Sentences
- In this case the story could mean the word salami means
- That's what we call the salami-slicing technique, that one slice of salami doesn't make a difference.
- The Russians would take a small slice at a time via dubious but not too provocative measures until the whole salami is gone.
- Then, you roll the sheet up tightly, greasing it with shortening and pulling it taut after each turn, until it’s coiled into a thick spool that we call the salami.
- In a highly critical report, the health select committee said hospitals were resorting to short-term "salami slicing" as they try to find £20 billion in efficiency savings by 2014/15.
- His remarks follow a highly critical report from the Commons Health Select Committee which said hospitals were resorting to short-term "salami slicing" as they try to find £20 billion in efficiency savings by 2014/15.
- However, earlier this month professional bodies condemned the revamp and on Tuesday the Health Select Committee published a highly critical report which said hospitals were resorting to short-term "salami slicing" as they try to find £20 billion in efficiency savings by 2014/15.