IPA: sˈeɪɫʌbʌɫ
- Something that can be sold.
- Suitable for sale; marketable; worth enough to try to sell.
Examples of "saleable" in Sentences
- The word 'saleable' was prefaced with about six 'so's.
- Means that you're probably not 'saleable' enough to enough markets.
- Also, from what I understand any given agent has passed on a 'saleable' MS at one time or another.
- Reed was in possession of several individual bags of marijuana, which police called a saleable quantity.
- Now, here she is, starring in Dreamgirls, playing the role of the singer who is pushed aside to make room for the prettier, more "saleable" lead, played by Beyonce.
- But when the amalgamation with the Grand Junction, which had always been its own carrier, took place, a great reduction in rates was made, as well as arrangements for encouraging the conveyance of every kind of saleable article.
- However, they had a good point: a lot of students are signing up to media studies degrees thinking they are quick routes into the industry when in fact they're more like 'cultural studies' degrees but given a far more 'saleable' badge.
- This applied equally to the "Special Order Department," and I am afraid, if the subject were probed to the bottom, it would be found that every article sold in Ruhleben -- fully ninety per cent. of which probably would be construed as articles saleable from the canteen if shops were unavailable -- contributes its toll of seven-and-a-half per cent. to the German authorities.